Benefits of sandalwood incense | Sandalwood for incense | Sudanese sandal incense
the oud from ancient times has been used extensively in various parts of the Arab world and this custom is still inherited. Even today, fumigation with oud on various religious occasions such as Islamic holidays and the Blessed Friday, and the oud is also used very much in the blessed month of Ramadan
The oud is also fumigated at various important occasions such as weddings, engagement parties and the marriage contract, and from the best types. The oud that is used in the Arabian Gulf It is sandal incense, which is from the finest types of oud distinguished by the beautiful scent that spreads throughout All around and from best incense sandalwood is Sudanese sandalwood incense extracted from incense wood. From Sudan.
Sandalwood for incense is one of the types of plants and the most popular type of oud in use in various parts of the Arab countries. It is Extracting incense sandalwood from sandalwood trees that grows in Asian countries, especially in India, which has a height of 10 meters and is famous for incense Indian sandalwood is used among many oud lovers, and Sudanese sandal incense is also used in public events due to its beautiful and fragrant aroma in addition to red sandal incense
Sandalwood is an evergreen tree that grows in Southeast Asian countries. Sandalwood is used in a lot of things like fumigation and oil is extracted from it to be manufactured in a lot of Perfumes , air cleaners and disinfectants, in addition to making soap and other things
Sandalwood incense is also used in medicinal and therapeutic materials, especially Sudanese incense, in addition to sandalwood for incense used in alternative medicine
Benefits of sandalwood incense extracted from incense wood
We find many users asking what are the benefits of sandal incense, as there are many benefits of sandalwood incense and sandal oil, the most important of which are
Fumigation in mosques, as sandalwood incense is characterized by a refreshing scent and a fragrant aromatic scent spread all over the place that calms nerves and a feeling of comfort and reassurance
Some scientific studies say that inhaling the scent of incense increases the strengthening of the muscles of the heart, and of course we are talking about Natural Oud , not the industrial that has the most damage
The scent of incense is used as an appetite suppressant.
One of the benefits of sandalwood oil extracted from sandalwood is that it works to facilitate the process of intractable diarrhea and treat intestinal diseases
Fumigation with Oud is considered the enemy of germs as it eliminates germs and viruses that transmit infection
the clothes are steamed with oud, which gives them a very pleasant scent
It is used by women at weddings because of its beautiful and sweet scent that brings joy and happiness to all attendees.
Some people place sandalwood incense extracted from sandalwood between clothes in order to remove impurities and dirt.
Sandalwood is used to treat acne scars, filter the airways and coughs
making sandalwood incense
The incense (incense of sandal) is made through simple steps:
The sandal is pounded by the puncher and is called the sandal checker.
a little sugar
Checked sandal.
finely strung
Arabic incense
Bring a deep bowl and put it on a low heat and contain sugar It is stirred until the sugar becomes yellowish-brown, and then the crushed sandalwood is added to a glass container with constant stirring, and then a little Arabic incense and stirring until the mixture is sticky, and then wait until it becomes cold and is pelleted to resemble a nutmeg. It is kept in a glass container and is ready for use
If you want to buy incense ready-to-use sandal it is not a problem as The price of incense The sandal is not high and is affordable for everyone
Frequently Asked Questions
بخور الازرق تفرزه اشجار العود المعمرة في غابات العود عندما تدافع عن نفسها من بعض اليرقات التي تؤذيها و لا يمكن الحصول على العود الازرق من شجر العود المستزرعة او من شجر الغابات صغيرة السن. و مصدر العود الازرق ليس حكرا على دولة معينة او غابات معينة فقد يكون مصدره عود بخور كلمنتان او عود هندي أو عود بورمي أو عود كمبودي او غيره .
شركة المحيط للعود ودهن العود يمكنك طلب الكمية التي ترغب في اقتنائها والبدء في
تجارة العود بيعها في سوق العود المتواجد في منطقتك حيث نوفر لك افضل اسعار العود ودهن العود بالجملة , فقط تواصل معنا
عند احراق وتبخير العود سواءً في المنزل او في مكتب العمل فإن افضل طريقة للتبخير يتم استخدامها من الكثير من العملاء هي كالتالي : يتم إشعال الفحم الطبيعي وتركه يحترق حتى يتشكل رماد فوق الجمر وعندها يتم وضع كسرة العود البخور عليها على ظهرها وهو الوجه الصافي من الكسرة وذلك ليحترق العود لأطول فترة ممكنة , للمزيد الطريقة المثالية لتبخير العود
يعتبر الغش في العود واحداً من اهم الأسباب التي تقلل من جودة بخور العود حيث يتم طليه بأصباغ وحشوه بمادة الرصاص وذلك ليرتفع ثمنه مع جودته سيئة للغاية , ايضاً كلما كانت كسرة العود صافية ولا يتواجد فيها نقاط سوداء وعروق كانت جودة البخور ضعيفة ,, للمزيد اساليب الغش في العود
الأوقية هي نوع من انواع قياس الكُتلة المشهورة المُستخدمة مُنذ القِدم حتى وقتنا الحاضر حيث يتم وزن العديد من الاشياء وقياس حجمها بالأوقية ومن أهمها قياس وزن العود حيث ان اوقية البخور تساوي .... الاوقية كم جرام