The process of aging the oud fat is in order to give it a pleasant smell and make it more stable, lasting and permeable than before. And this process is done by exposing the oud fat to high heat of sunlight, which evaporates the water mixed with the oud fat and results in the release of aged oud fat.
To get a very pure aged oud fat, the oud fat to be aged must be natural, pure and free from any foreign additions or impurities. As it also depends on the oud from which the oud fat is produced. The older the oud tree is, the more pleasant and fragrant the oud is, and the longer the degree of stability on clothes becomes.
The process of aging the oud fat results in a decrease in the amount of fat before aging. This is natural and is due to the evaporation of the water mixed with the oud fat used to cook sticks and break the oud.
To keep the old oud oil, it must be placed in original glass containers, and it is very bad to put the old oud fat into plastic packages.
If the aging process of the oud fat continues for long periods, then the deposits formed under Tula or the packaging used to store the oud fat is baked from the incense sticks particles cooked from it, which are the quality of the fat and its origin.
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