العروض المتوفرة

Types of musk | Benefits of musk | Where is extracted musk

Musk and the best types of musk


Musk products are natural aromatic oils that have the best beautiful and fragrant smells, as they are widely used by Arabs and Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia, and the musk trade was one of the most important trades that take place and is famous From ancient times to the present day in the countries of the Arab world, as well as the agarwood trade and oil of the oud a> Amber and perfumes and others, and in our next report we will clarify all the information about musk .. Where is extracted musk ? What are the types of musk? How much is the price of musk? And all the important information about musk in all its details

from where the musk is extracted

From which animal is musk extracted? Musk is extracted from gazelle, where there is a type of deer and antelope that is called by the name of musk deer, and it is from which natural musk is extracted, so what is musk deer and how is the way to extract musk.

Well, musk is extracted from deer, where a bag is formed from the gland in the stomach of musk deer, and this gland is present in male deer, and it is not found in females, and the color of musk is black and is expensive and the length of the deer is a meter and a height of about half a meter, and it is one of the animals that go out to eat herbs at night for that Catching them is difficult, and this deer is found in the forests of the Himalayas and Tibet Siberia and the northwestern part of China

The method of extracting musk is done by catching deer and then slaughtering it down to the stomach. After that, they separate the musk gland and dry it. This is one of the officially forbidden methods, as it leads to the extinction of musk deer Also, one of the methods of obtaining musk is through collecting it from the rocks where the musk deer rubs this gland on the rocks until the musk comes out of it, and then the work team searches between the rocks until they find it and they collect it and put it in flasks, as the musk is extracted from Other types of animals, which we will mention in the list of the best and best musk types

The use of musk and the benefits of musk

Musk is used and used in the manufacture of various perfumes (musk perfume), including men's perfumes and other women's perfumes, due to the strong aromatic scent of musk and its very excellent degree of stability, and it is used in the field of perfume in various homes. Arabic and also in the manufacture of some medicines in alternative medicine and in medicines that strengthen the eye


The finest grip

There are many types of musk that many customers are attracted to buy because of the beautiful and fragrant smell of musk. Here is a list of musk types and its benefits, and the method of extracting musk from many types of animals is the most important


The method of extracting the musk is by catching the deer and then slaughtering it all the way To the stomach, after that, they separate the musk gland and dry it. This is one of the officially forbidden methods, as it leads to the extinction of musk deer Also, one of the methods of obtaining musk is through collecting it from the rocks where the musk deer rubs this gland on the rocks until the musk comes out of it, and then the work team searches between the rocks until they find it and they collect it and put it in flasks, as the musk is extracted from Other types of animals, which we will mention in the list of the best and best types of musk


turtle hold:

turtle musk

Turtle musk is extracted from a specific species of turtle

bull grabbed:

Bull musk

It is a type of musk in which there is a certain type of thuar, known as the musk ox, and it is considered one of the most expensive types of mammals


The musk mouse is one of the most popular types of musk, distinguished by its curative properties for many different diseases

the names of the musk

There are many popular musk names among fans and lovers of musk and they are :

White Musk:

White Musk

White musk is one of the most famous types of musk of purity at all, with a fragrant smell that lasts for a long time, and the pristine musk is extractedCollect it from rocks in Tibetan forests.

When the sebaceous cyst appears in the gazelle's stomach, it rubs it with rocks until the gland comes out, and the bag that contains musk comes out and remains on the rocks and interacts with the granite for rocks through moisture and rain to become white with a yellowish color and the white musk is characterized by a very cold and fragrant smell, and from The best types of white musk are the famous liquid white musk with its soft and cold scent and it is used in the manufacture of perfumes, creams, deodorants and in whitening sensitive areas,

Also one of the types of white musk is solid white musk , which is in the form of cubes or stones and is used in wardrobes and it is used in the body and is warned against in the manufacture of creams, perfumes, skin whitening products and deodorants


Black Musk:

One of the most famous types of musk and the most beautiful smell of musk is the black musk, where the black musk is extracted from the deer from the abdomen, and the gazelle has two extraction methods:

The first method: deer musk is extracted by catching male deer after it is caught. The black musk bag is extracted from its core and dried, and this method is officially forbidden to preserve The musk deer,

The second method: by collecting black musk from rocks and its color is brownish-black It is placed on the body as it is one of the best types of musk for the body and for clothes. It is used in the manufacture of the world's most luxurious perfumes and is used in the manufacture of some medicines and some treatments for women.

Frequently Asked Questions

المسك عبارة عن عطر زيتي يتم استخراجه من احشاء غزال المسك وجمعه من على الصخور التي تتواجد في غزلان المسك , اما بخور العود هو عبارة عن بخور طبيعي يتم استخراجه من شجر العود الذي ينمو في غابات المناطق الاستوائية 

العنبر يتم استخراجه من احشاء حوت العنبر  ويتم استخدامه كعطور زيتية بالاضافة الى الاستخدامات العلاجية للعنبر , اما المسك هو ايضاً عطر زيتي يتم استخراجه من غزال المسك وتكون رائحته مختلفة تماماً عن العنبر 

يعتبر بخور الازرق واحداً من افضل و اجود انواع بخور العود على الاطلاق حيث يتميز بخور العود الازرق بكثافة دهن العود فيه ما يجعل من سعره مرتفع للغاية , ويتميز عود الازرق برائحته الزكية التي لا مثيل لها , ويتواجد العود الازرق في معظم افضل انواع العود الكثيرة حيث يتم تحديد النوع بأنه عود ازرق بحسب كثافة الدهن داخل كسرة العود و جودة العود الممتازة , وهو من اغلى انواع العود التي يندر تواجدها 

لدهن العود مسميات عديدة منها ( السوبر والملكي والدبل سوبر والبريميوم ) واما بالنسبة الى اسماء دهن العود فيتم تسميته بحسب المنطقة التي يتم استخراجه منها 

يعد دهن عود الماليزي من ارخص و  افضل انواع دهن العود المتميز بالرائحة الجميلة والتي تكون متوفرة في سوق العود بكميات كبيرة مع السعر المناسب للكثير من محبي دهن العود والعطور 

الموطن الأصلي لشجرة العود هي ماليزيا واندونيسيا وتايلاند والهند وكمبوديا وفيتنام وبورما وهي الدول التي يتم استخراج العود ودهن العود منها 

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