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Agarwood extraction | How to extract the agarwood

Oud extraction methods


How to extract an oud

Agarwood extraction
The agarwood extraction method is done by primitive methods such as cutting the tree stalk with an ax and manual iron machines and breaking it into large and small pieces that need to be Months until it is sellable. Agarwood and agarwood are extracted from the original home of the agarwood from parts of the upper tree. And the stalk below the agarwood tree and from the affected parts. As for the Maruki, Indonesian and Javan oud, the agarwood is extracted from the veins of the underground tree and it also needs to be cleaned from dirt and cut according to the required sizes and sizes that qualify it for display in the markets in Arab countries. Arab Gulf states
Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and other East Asian countries are the original home of the agarwood tree, where there are abundant forests filled with tree Agarwood And agarwood, which is an evergreen tree with a long life span ranging from 60 to 100 years

Natural oud extraction is very tiring and needs several stages


When extracting the oud it is a difficult and stressful process as the lives of the people extracting the oud are risked. This is what makes the price of the oud Very, very expensive, and sometimes they risk their lives in the forest, which is usually full of monsters and snakes that have a risk to their lives, and this is all done in order to extract the oud and one of the reasons that lead to the high prices of oud in various Agarwood species including Indian Agarwood and Cambodian oud and others Other types of oud

How to extract an oud

Natural Oud


1- The teams specialized in collecting the agarwood enter deep into the forests of agarwood trees, carrying with them the appropriate dried   food to condition them for a period of up to 4 months
2- Oud workers do simple work that is transportable from one place to another according to the presence of the agarwood trees, as their work may continue inside the forest for up to 4 months
3- The agarwood trees, whether the stems or the roots, are cut according to the type of oud extracted, which may contain the oud, and then cut into small pieces that are carried to the pre-prepared camp
4- After the sticks are sorted according to their large weight and small pieces, and the middle, each according to its size and color
5- Workers start cleaning the above-sieved pieces, and this is done using iron and arrow cooler to pierce the sticks and also machines for cutting and crushing
6- The above process is repeated several times to clean the oud, where the appropriate amount is collected and can be carried outside the forest and sold


Oud oil is also extracted from various types of oud, where a process called the distillation of oud oil is done through a process called method of extracting the agarwood , Oud oil is a kind of natural aromatic oils with a beautiful and fragrant aroma that are perfumed, and the method of making oud oil goes through many stages. The process of extracting the oud oil begins by taking wood and the oud husks remaining from the oud and then milling, boiling and distilling for many months To extract 100% pure and natural oud oil from Agarwood species

Frequently Asked Questions

يعتبر العود الأزرق واحداً من افضل و اجود انواع العود على الاطلاق حيث يتميز بخور الازرق بكثافة دهن العود فيه ما يجعل من سعره مرتفع للغاية , ويتميز عود الازرق برائحته الزكية التي لا مثيل لها , ويتواجد العود الزرق في معظم افضل انواع العود الكثيرة حيث يتم تحديد النوع بأنه عود ازرق بحسب كثافة الدهن داخل كسرة العود و جودة العود الممتازة , وهو من اغلى انواع العود التي يندر تواجدها 

يعتبر الغش في العود واحداً من اهم الأسباب التي تقلل من جودة العود حيث يتم طليه بأصباغ وحشوه بمادة الرصاص وذلك ليرتفع ثمنه مع جودته سيئة للغاية , ايضاً كلما كانت كسرة العود صافية ولا يتواجد فيها نقاط سوداء وعروق كانت جودة البخور ضعيفة ,, للمزيد اساليب الغش في العود 

المسك عبارة عن عطر زيتي يتم استخراجه من احشاء غزال المسك وجمعه من على الصخور التي تتواجد في غزلان المسك , اما العود والبخور عبارة عن بخور طبيعي يتم استخراجه من شجر العود الذي ينمو في غابات المناطق الاستوائية 

اذا كنت ترغب في شراء العود الطبيعي بأقل سعر فهنا يجب عليك شراء 3 اوقيات واكثر حيث ستحصل على سعر عود مميز ومناسب  , عدم شراء العود المصبوغ , عدم شراء قطع كبيرة جداً للعود حيث ان بعضها تكون مغشوشة ومحشوة بمادة الرصاص, دخان العود الطبيعي يميل الى اللون الأزرق , العود الممتاز تتواجد فيه عروق سوداء كثيرة , واخيراً يجب عليك الشراء من مصدر موثوق.

عند البحث عن احد ارخص انواع العود بحيث يكون ذو رائحة جميلة و سعر العود لا يكون مرتفع يجب عليك اقتناء عود الصندل حيث انه ذو رائحة مميزة و سعر مناسب للكثير من العملاء  

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