العروض المتوفرة

Agarwood Fungi and Agarwood Oil| How does fungi help in extracting the agarwood

Agarwood fungi and agarwood

The fungi that infect agarwood is the main reason The Oud that is inside the Agarwood trees
agarwood naturally infects bacteria that form small insects that resemble small white ants and thus defend the agarwood tree. From the invasive bacteria, the white wood inside the stem of the tree turns black or dark brown due to its attack on the tree

Agarwood fungi

new wood created by bacteria attacking the tree contains oily oils that make it retain the distinctive aromatic oud and then obtained and extract the oud from it

Using Oud Oil

Oud oil

The oud oil produced above is used in moisturizing and is also used in alternative medicine and Chinese medicine to improve and strengthen Some devices in the human body, such as the immune system, the nervous system, and others. Oud oil has other uses. It is used in the manufacture of atomized perfumes in the field of perfumes with a strong and beautiful smell, and the height of The price of the oud is somewhat expensive for some types of oud  This is due to the great fatigue resulting from the process of extracting it and the scarcity of agarwood trees. Agarwood and oud oil are exported to various parts of the Arab world. Gulf society in the various Gulf states to acquire it

Oud oil extraction

Oud oil extraction

Oud oil is extracted from agarwood produced in the previous stages and in several stages such as cutting and cleaning agarwood, then cooking And distillation by means of machines and copper pots of extracting the agarwood . The agarwood was full of fungi in the agarwood tree, the more secretions from the tree were more and rich in agarwood oil. This indicates that the quality of the agarwood is very excellent and its scent lasts for a long time due to the proliferation of fungi and their spread in the agarwood tree, which is considered black gold and a precious treasure of the source of many farmers Incense stick in the world

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