العروض المتوفرة


Agarwood Names


The names of the Agarwood differ from one culture to another. In Arabic region, it called Oud, in English (Acarwood), and Bahasa Malay is spoken in (Qahraw), and it  also called in other languages as (Ginko) and (Weswood) and others.

Introduction on how to make Agarwood?


Agarwood is extracted from perennial forests trees that are more than 70 years old, and the Agarwood material is usually available in the stems and roots of trees so that it is the dead part or afflicted with a disease in the stem of the tree. And that new substance that results from this change is usually the oud known to us.


كيفية تكون العود


How to extract Agarwood


The Agarwood is searched for and extracted by specialists in the forests, where the stem of the tree is completely cut and then divided into small pieces. The Agarwood is searched for within the legs and roots.



طريقة استخراج العود



Where is the Agarwood in the stem? 
How is it extracted?


The Agarwood is often mixed and intertwined with wood, and the Agarwood is carefully separated from the wood with special and precise tools, and then the Agarwood is cleaned and the wood is completely removed from it.



مكان وجودعود


How do you know the amount of agarwood in the tree before cutting it?


Knowing the amount of Agarwood obtained in tree trunks and legs and its quality often depends on luck, not on experience.





What happens if the Agarwood remains in the stems for a longer period of time?


It is known that the more the period of Agarwood remains inside the stems and roots of its trees, the more solid the Agarwood will be, the more pleasant and fragrant in the smell, and the more it will contain the Agarwood fat.






Agarwood cultivation

How is the agarwood cultivated?


Recently, a cultivated Agarwood , whose tree originates according to human intervention, appeared, and Agarwood tree is planted until a certain age, and it is injected with special materials that are expensive, depending on modern techniques. Quite a bit smells good, but it never reaches the natural level of Agarwood extracted from forests.


عود,كيف يتم استزراع العود؟




How do you know the quality of the Agarwood ? Is it an original Agarwood or wood?


Burn a piece of Agarwood and you will notice the fat bubbles formed on the piece of Agarwood, which are on the embers, and those bubbles are the source of the good Agarwood smoke, and it becomes clear if you have a Agarwood or wood through these bubbles (if you do not see the bubbles, it means that it is wood and not a Agarwood, and whenever the bubbles are The more the Agarwood was better, the more it contained the agarwoodoil).



كيف تعرف جودة العود


Other ways to know the quality of the Agarwood


The smoke or incense of the original agarwood does not harm when it is inhaled and does not cause tears to come out of the eyes completely, and smoke that harms the eyes is often caused by the addition of dye to the agarwood . This is considered adulterated agarwood.

For more on knowing the quality of the agarwood and distinguishing the original from the adulterated, we recommend that you visit the following link: How to know the quality of the agarwood



كيف تعرف جودة العود




Cheat on the Agarwood


It is common in the quality of the agarwood that the higher the color of the roots tend to be dark brown or black, the higher the quality of the agarwood incense (this is emphasized), but there are other types of agarwood that tend to light brown and have excellent quality ....

To learn about the methods of cheating in the oud, you can visit the following link: Reasons and methods of cheating in Agarwood.



The origin and presence of the agarwood 


The agarwood is found in many wet and rainy tropical regions and countries such as East Asia: (Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Brunei, and Burma). The agarwood is available in varying proportions between these countries.



عود,أماكن منشأ وتواجد العود



Benefits of Agarwood



Using agarwood as incense or perfume carries many health benefits in addition to the general benefits as a pleasant and natural smell
the most important health benefits of agarwood :
Reducing headache and migraines - 
     Calm the nerves and relieve tension and insomnia - 
    It strengthens brain nerves and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease - 
     It stimulates blood circulation and improves its work - 
     It gives the body more energy and vitality and helps the body to enjoy a peaceful sleep. - 
     Resistant to colds, coughs. - 
     Reduces the symptoms of asthma. - 
     It cleans the body, flushes out toxins, and strengthens the organs of the digestive system. - 
     Repels insects such as mosquitoes, lice and fleas - 
     It treats skin diseases and helps in the treatment of paralysis with massage. - 
     Its infusion is used in folk remedies: as a general tonic and sexual stimulant, for the treatment of worms and centaria, and for the treatment of gout and rheumatism. - 

Frequently Asked Questions

البخور هو عبارة عن خليط من بخور اعواد متنوعة وكثير من مختلف انواع العود يتم خلطها وطحنها مع بعضها البعض ليتم انتاجها على شكل مسحوق عطري ذو رائحة عطرية جميلة ومتميزة وتتواجد انواع بخور العود  في جميع المناسبات العامة والدينية فـ العود بخور تستخدمة العروس في تبخير المنزل ومن انواع البخور للعروس ( بخور عود للزواجات ) التي يتم استخدامها  بخور العود الهندي .
ولمعرفة المزيد عن بخور العود و افضل انواع بخور العود 

    للعود  مكانة خاصة في قلوب عشاقه في السعودية و الخليج، و يستعمل منه أفخم و أغلى أنواع البخور والروائح العطرية، ويتم استعماله في تعطير وإنعاش الأجواء , تتعلق اصالة العود الطبيعي بأصالة مستخلصاته من دهن العود التي لا يدانيها عطر شرقي آخر وتكون باهظة الثمن بسبب انها من اغلى انواع البخور و العود ولمعرفة المزيد عن افضل انواع العود 

طقم العود الازرق تفرزه اشجار العود المعمرة في غابات العود عندما تدافع عن نفسها من بعض اليرقات التي تؤذيها و لا يمكن الحصول على العود الازرق من شجر العود المستزرعة او من شجر الغابات صغيرة السن. و مصدر العود الازرق ليس حكرا على دولة معينة او غابات معينة فقد يكون مصدره كلمنتاني او موروكي أو هندي أو كمبودي او غيره .

الكثير من محبي البخوروالعود قاموا بطرح هذا السؤال والاجابة ان العلماء اتفقوا ان رائحة بخور العود لا تفطر الصائم وذلك لأنها ليست من ضمن جنس الطعام والشراب وليست من الشهوات التي تُفطر الصائم 

يتم تصنيف العود بحسب جودة العود وتشبعه بالعود ولمعرفة التفاصيل من هنا ... مصطلحات تصنيف العود

عند احراق وتبخير العود سواءً في المنزل او في مكتب العمل فإن افضل طريقة للتبخير يتم استخدامها من الكثير من العملاء هي كالتالي : يتم إشعال الفحم الطبيعي وتركه يحترق حتى يتشكل رماد فوق الجمر وعندها يتم وضع كسرة العود عليها على ظهرها وهو الوجه الصافي من الكسرة وذلك ليحترق العود لأطول فترة ممكنة , للمزيد طريقة تبخير العود المثالية

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