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Blue Agarwood incense

A very important information before entering into the topic - the blue oud is not blue, the name came from the color of the blue incense incense, as its smoke tends to be blue, and its actual color is dark brown or black. 

The price of the blue oud

Blue Agarwood

To know the price of the original blue oud incense, which is classified from the finest and the best types of incense  the price depends on its quality, and its price is very high in all cases. The price of a kilo may exceed 25 thousand dollars and it is used by the Arabs on important occasions and is often used by the wealthy, princes, capital owners and lovers of Oud Due to its high cost, as used by the Chinese and Buddhists to incense their temples and idols The price of the blue oud is classified as one of the most expensive types of oud.

The best types of blue oud

Indonesian Blue Oud

The blue oud incense is characterized by its strong smell with blue smoke, which is considered one of the best smells at all. The original blue oud has several somewhat different designations according to the sellers and different markets in the countries, including

the plunge blue oud

The Plentiful Blue Agarwood


is the most luxurious and luxurious type of blue oud, and it is one of the very rare types to obtain and the person who is able to obtain this type in the forests is considered lucky for its very high price and it weighs in grams and its price is often more expensive Of gold.

This type was called the diver because it immerses in water due to its high density and the abundance of oud oil in it, so it is considered the finest type of blue oud, and usually pieces of this type are heavy in weight and stiff compared to other types and often bracelets and necklaces are expensive and rarely get a blue oud. Diver and is often not used as an incense due to its high price.

Blue Oud Triple Super 

Super Trouble Blue Oud

Trouble Super is considered one of the best types of blue oud, and this type is characterized by its consistently fragrant and beautiful smell, as the effect of the smell remains for long periods on the body and on the textiles, and it is noticed the abundance of fat inside it. Just touching the pieces feels the freshness of the oud oil in your hand

Malaysian Oud Double Super


Malaysian Oud Double Super This type is sourced from the Malaysian forests and is also classified among the excellent types in terms of wind and stability and has many admirers with its smell and it is one of the rare types and is characterized by the density of fat inside and its characteristics that it is heavy in weight It smells aromatic.

How Can  Identify the Blue Oud

Blue Agarwood

The blue agarwood is produced by the perennial agarwood tree in the forests when it defends itself from some of the larvae that harm it. The blue agarwood cannot be obtained from cultivated agarwood trees or from young forest trees.

The source of the blue oud is not limited to a specific country or certain forests, it may be sourced from a Clementine blue oud, a Moroccan blue oud, an Indian blue oud, a Cambodian blue oud, or others

Sources (blue stick)

The source of the blue oud is not limited to a specific geographical area, so that the name of the oud came from its characteristics and there is something

Malaysian blue oud


Malaysian blue oud

Indonesian Blue Oud


Indonesian blue oud

Ceylon Blue Oud


Ceylon oud

Thai blue oud


Thai blue oud

Brunei Blue Oud


Brunei blue oud


What is a blue Agarwood


Ceylon oud


The blue oud is the best oud among all types of oud, which we mean by this, really the proverbial pathway in the Kalamantan oud
(Al-Masha, Clementan Forest) There are several types of it, and the best type of it is called the blue oud, as well as in other sources of oud such as Cambodian Oud The best and quality oud is called the blue oud.


Availability of natural blue agarwood

Natural Blue Agarwood

For those working at agar extraction is a matter of fortunes, the lucky ones It is very much the one who finds it inside the stems of the trees and is always full of fat and heavy in weight. Overall, it is the highest quality oud among the types of oud incense and the best in any country, and its prices are the most expensive among the rest of the types.

To find out the original and better quality oud, we can distinguish it from the following

- If the oud is light in weight, then the oud is less than the heavier oud, which means the heavier the weight of the oud, the better the quality and the better the smell of the oud, and the darker the color of the oud, the better the quality.


Fraud and Falsification of the Blue Oud

Because of the popularity of the blue oud and the increase in demand for it, oud traders have resorted to marketing various types of oud under the name of the blue oud to the extent that low types of industrial ouds are marketed and manufactured under this name and this is a kind of fraud in Oud under false names such as the best incense incense, the best incense for the bride, or the finest incense stick.


The fake Agarwood

It is a type of oud that is made of oud wood and inferior oud oil, and it is marketed as a kind of the original blue oud. The seller of the oud exploits the people's demand to buy the famous luxury blue oud and sells fake ouds on It's a blue stick.


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