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Indonesian industrial oud

Indonesian oud industrial From the most used brands by the Gulf consumer , in particular the Saudi consumer because The large number of shops promoted in the market, which has attracted a large number of customers as a result of the tempting price and its good smell, but it has many disadvantages, which is the lack of a smell in homes and clothes for a long time Causes choking When used frequently


Industrial oud prices (Indonesian industrial incense)

Oud photos
The current period is witnessing a great demand for the Indonesian industrial oud , as the turnout has increased to 95% compared to previous years and every day the demand increases on Indonesian incense incense of all kinds as a result of the price Tempting and smells good.

Indonesian Industrial Oud Incense

also features incense sticks The Indonesian industrial manufacturer with large and medium pieces and its heavy weight, which helps to keep the smell for a long time in the clothes and the body, as it does not burn quickly due to the presence of Synthetic Agarwood in large quantities
This makes consumers accept it unprecedented.

Source of the Enhanced Industrial Lute

Indonesia is the main source of industrial Indonesian incense sticks, as it ranks first in the world in this type of oud and is the country that is the first in the production of industrial oud and the tradition of natural sticks.

Natural Artificial Oud

sometimes called synthetic oud . The oud remaining after the purification of the natural oud from where it is made Impregnating the pieces with aromatic substances with ricin, which is characterized by its smell very close to the smell of natural oud.

Industrial oud industry (the enhanced oud) Improved Industrial Agar

The manufacture of the artificial oud. agarwood remaining after Extracting natural agarwood from it, or regular wood may be used for pieces of a specific shape and mixed with rassin, which smells similar to the smell of oud, where the Those pieces with rasin in a giant saucepan Heat up for a specified period Where is saturated Blend Al-Rasin Take it out and dry it from the moisture To become ready for use and export, there are several methods for mixing ricin with wood pieces, which vary according to different factories, and each has its own method of boiling, soaking and drying.

What is ricin?

is a dark black natural resin with a Similar to the smell of oud produced from some trees found in the forests of Indonesia

Types of artificial ouds.

The industrial oud can be classified according to how it was manufactured.
1. Oud made of low grade agarwood. And it is the finest that I produce the manufactured oud Among the most famous of these types is the improved Maruki oud
2 .. Oud is made of wood other than oud .. It is the most manufactured and the lowest quality After it, it produces different shapes, types and smells, and most of it smells like aOud, but it It remains of lesser quality than the factory of poor agarwood


Indonesian industrial oud names

We will choose only the best and most luxurious types of industrial ouds for a multitude of types

Maroque synthetic oud

Maroque oud

an Indonesian industrial oud ... similar in its scent and shapes Cut the oud in it The famous Maruki oud It is manufactured Of poor maroque agarwood Al-Jawdah or regular wood and add to them The mixture of rasin is similar to the aroma of Marocci

Artificial blue oud.

Ban Cut the Oud The plant is heavy Its color is dark black And more saturated with the mixture Added to look like it cut a blue tooth plentiful oil Strong-smelling And more boiling when put it on charcoal

Oud Al-Farasha ..


one of the types of manufactured oud and the pieces are Sharp growths, dark color It has a distinctive smell similar to Smell The Indonesian Oud

Where the oud is sold in Indonesia

for seekers of Buying an oud Indonesian industrial, either retail or wholesale, for the places that sell the oud in Indonesia, there are many places to sell the oud in Jakarta, the capital of the state of Indonesia, and they are mostly concentrated in the Meng Dua,
The Ocean Oud Company also has a collection of Labas, for some types of oud, from the Indonesian factory. You can view them under the offers section.


Frequently Asked Questions

البعض من أنواع خشب العود تعتبر من اغلى انواع العود على الاطلاق ولا تتواجد بكثرة في سوق العود ويُقبل لشراء هذه الأنواع الطبقة العالية في المجتمع من الشيوخ والامراء الباحثين عن التميز والرائحة النادرة والفريدة من نوعها , ويعتبر بخور طقم العود الازرق من افضل أنواع عود البخور عند الامراء وبشكل خاص العود الأزرق الغطاس و العود الأزرق ترابل سوبر حيث ان جودة العود في هذه الأنواع تكون ممتازة لا تضاهي أي جودة او رائحة أخرى 

يكثر نمو أشجار العود في المناطق الاستوائية والتي تكون في شرق آسيا حيث يتم استخراج العود من الهند وكمبوديا وماليزيا واندونيسيا وسومطرة وفيتنام وتايلاند وبورما وبنجلاديش حيث ان هذه الدول تعتبر الموطن الأصلي لشجرة العود حيث تتميز هذه الشجرة بعمرها الطويل ولا تنمو الا في هذه الدول 

يتم تصنيف العود الطبيعي بحسب جودة العود وتشبعه بدهن العود وايضاً البلد الذي يستخرج العود منه بالإضافة الى ....لمعرفة التفاصيل من هنا مصطلحات تصنيف العود  

عند احراق وتبخير العود سواءً في المنزل او في مكتب العمل فإن افضل طريقة للتبخير يتم استخدامها من الكثير من العملاء هي كالتالي : يتم إشعال الفحم الطبيعي وتركه يحترق حتى يتشكل رماد فوق الجمر وعندها يتم وضع كسرة العود عليها على ظهرها وهو الوجه الصافي من الكسرة وذلك ليحترق العود لأطول فترة ممكنة , للمزيد طريقة تبخير العود المثالية

تختلف اسعار العود من مكان الى اخر ويتم تحديد سعر العود بحسب المكان الذي تم استخراج العود منه وايضاً توفره في سوق العود حيث انه من اغلى انواع البخور في العالم ستجد بخور العود الهندي و بخور العود الكمبودي 

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